> Niyam wrote:
> >
> > > unless, are we supposed to merely agree with all-things linus, the
> > > pied-piper on the gates of dawn?
> Gora Mohanty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


Guys, am taking the liberty to comment and explain as below.

Please feel free to cross-check my facts and counter comment (if you want

The reason for the is as below:--

(1) Device Manufacturers often have black-magic happening in the driver
By black-magic--> I mean, drivers for things like hard-disks etc have stuff
like checks for the chip-set version--- by writing a value to a certain
port-- and polling till another value can be read--- and using that to
decide the version number--- which in turn will be used to set up delays and
loop-iterations for busy-wait spin-locks---> optimal values for which are
often discovered by trial and error-- through testing and through tech
support's solutions to problems to earlier versions of the hardware-- and
collected in a manufacturer's bug/solution database-- and used to optimize
the next version of the driver.

This expensive; highly technical; labour intensive work is often unglamorous
to hacker-types.

Also, this same work costs the manufacturers a lot of money-- which is
necessarily spent to maintain their market position.

Further-more documenting a lot of their work would make the manufacturers
liable-- to be sued etc... or have the reliability of their peripherals
questioned by rivals--- or even possibly have rivals use seemingly "open
source techies" to shred their reputation.

Hence, even though many device manufacturers are more than happy to release
drivers; and as far as possible help open-source folks developing drivers---
they at the same time make sure their backs are covered-- with respect to
the following kinds of issues:--
(1) legal issues
(2) trade-secret related issues
(3) possible rumour mongering issues (like some supposedly open-source guy
claiming that XYZ's hard-disk is least reliable-- based on false arguments).

That's why the above "partially proprietary" type of issues.
That's also why manufacturers often issue certain chunks of their code as
BLOBs of object-code/machine-language byte sequences instead of c source

Hope that helps...


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