On Monday 02 Jun 2008, PJ wrote:
> [snip]
> I think it is a GPL violation since a decent coder can't figure out
> how to modify the disputed code that is distributed with the kernel,
> unlike the original coder. So there is no way you can say it is a
> preferred form of source in the GPL sense for the developer the code
> was distributed to.

Some people (including me) are neutral to code that doesn't run on their 
primary processor.  For instance, I'd complain if you gave me a 
non-free driver for my WiFi card, but I wouldn't if you gave me a free 
driver that downloads a binary blob to the card itself.  The blob isn't 
running on my CPU, so I'm less antagonistic to it being non-free.

Just a different point of view to the issue...


-- Raju
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