+++ Angad Singh [18/06/08 12:17 +0530]:
>Belenix is a LiveCD distribution of OpenSolaris created by the indian
>opensolaris community - bangalore opensolaris user group (BOSUG).

What is the current licensing state of Opensolaris? Is it entirely open

This is from Wikipedia(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenSolaris):

        The opening of the Solaris source code has been an incremental process.
        The first part of the Solaris codebase to be open sourced was the
        Solaris Dynamic Tracing facility (commonly known as DTrace), a tracing
        tool for administrators and developers that aids in tuning a system for
        optimum performance and utilisation. DTrace was released on January 25,
        2005. At that time, Sun also released the first phase of the
        opensolaris.org web site, announced that the OpenSolaris code base would
        be released under the CDDL (Common Development and Distribution
        License), and announced the intent to form a Community Advisory Board
        (CAB). The opening day launch, in which the bulk of the Solaris system
        code was released, was June 14, 2005. There remains some system code
        that is not open sourced, and is available only as binary files. The
        OpenSolaris source code represents the code in the most recent
        development build of Solaris.

Is part of the distribution still just binary? Any roadmap when it is
going to be completely open sourced?

Also am curious about this part from your FAQ:

     Below are key OpenSolaris-related technologies:

           OpenSolaris Source Code: This is the source base for open
           development. It consists of several components called consolidations.
           See the downloads page for the technologies released and the roadmap 
           future releases. At present, the OpenSolaris source base is not 
           to bootstrap an entire system, so developers start by downloading an
           OpenSolaris distribution and installing the OpenSolaris bits on top.

It seems that even man pages of OpenSolaris are not available for
redistribution yet.


Given these constraints how does OpenSolaris/Belenix qualify to be
called a "Free" unix distribution? Please note that I am not in any way
belittling the contribution of the Belenix team. I admire their
contribution to develop community based software. My questions are
directed only at the OpenSolaris project.

- Sandip

Sandip Bhattacharya

ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

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