On Friday 20 Jun 2008, Angad Singh wrote:
> [snip]
> OpenSolaris 2008.05 is 99% opensource except for a few drivers and
> userland tools. In all these cases the code is derived from third
> party sources and Sun does not own the rights to open these up. These
> will eventually be replaced with open cleanroom implementations.
> These are all legally re-distributable binaries.

Thanks for the detailed mail.  Let me reduce the question to the bare 

Is there any way that today I can get an OpenSolaris system installed, 
booted, running and doing common tasks (e.g. desktop, browsing, office, 
mail) without any proprietary binaries at all?  A simple yes or no will 

If the answer is yes, then yes, OpenSolaris is FOSS.

If the answer is no, then I'm sorry, it's not FOSS (yet).  It may be 
getting there, but I personally wouldn't touch it with a barge pole.


-- Raju
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