I know that this is a flamebait, but ...


 > Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL? if so why?

Please go through the license which comes with RHEL. 

 >  Under what provision of trademark law  Redhat claims the
 > copyrights and where it has registered the copyrights for
 > RHEL. Does it own RHEL..

Certainly, you need to take legal advice. Prevention is better than

 > How redhat is GPL compliant.Fedora is upstream and open gate when

Open gate? What is that?

Fedora is upstream for what? RHEL? 

 > it flow down stream in the name of RHEL its gate are shut.which is 
 > derived version of Fedora becomes owned by Redhat under
 > trademarks. Your views might be diffrent than others .Please let me
 > know your views only .Let us know your logic.  M.S.Yatnatti

I think you should do some search on the topic of RHEL and its
redistribution. There are umpteen search engines out there; and it
will take you very little time to find the relevant material. 

And there are alternatives to RHEL, if you want to be a sponger and
re-distribute RHEL without a quid pro quo.

Mahesh T. Pai   
Man's most judicious trait, is a good sense of what not to believe.

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