Dear sir ,
We have noted your points .Thanks for your feed back.For some persons freedom  
of software is looks like fun.When we lose total freedom then only we 
understand the value of freedom. But FOSS is big community .it will take care 
of every body's fun.Least bothered even if some body calls me stupid.I am 
continuously getting good response. My new sub question ?   
Is Red Hat Enterprise
Linux violates the fedora license Agreement (GPL) ? which is available
at Agreement By its
trade marks policy available at 


Red Hat Enterprise Linux cannot Violates Fedora 9 (GPL) license .Red
hat is also user of fedora and has to continue same license in Red
Hat Enterprise Linux. It can  ask the user to  rename the
distribution if user modify and distribute. Red Hat cannot prohibit
the user to distribute unmodified versions. Red Hat  cannot restrict
the user to distribute or redistribute unmodified versions for which
Fedora 9 license (GPL)permits. Red hat cannot force the community for
Rebuilds with other names of  unmodified versions . If user modifies
Red Hat Enterprise Linux and  modifies the Software, then User must
replace all images containing the " Red Hat Enterprise Linux"
trademark.  Those images are in the Red hat -logos package. To our
information Centos does not modify anything accept removing "
Red Hat Enterprise Linux" trademark and logo files. Therefore 
Red Hat Enterprise Linux  Violates Fedora 9 (GPL license)Hope I get response 
only on the subject.

KPN UNLIMITED Corporate Office:No.18/6, Executive chambers, Cunningham Road, 

--- On Sat, 10/11/08, Mahesh T. Pai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: Mahesh T. Pai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [ilugd] Is it illegal to redistribute RHEL? Open Letter To Linux 
For You India
Date: Saturday, October 11, 2008, 1:57 PM


 > comment.Is it any court has resolved this issue or FSF has resolved
 > this issue or Copyright Holders have resolved this issue or Red  hat
 > has filed any case against redistributing the RHEL and has won the
 > case .If it was resolved issue why Linux For You Magzine had published
 > a resolved issue.Redhat it self could have provided this in its
 > website.Please let me know any link or URL if  you have come across
 > anouncing that this issue is resolved by courts and FSF.  M.S.Yatnatti

Let us consider three persons, Appu, Pappu and Babli. (all are
fictitious names).

Appu has created one painting, each beautiful and delightful. Appu
explicitly says that any body is free to modify and / or redistribute
the paintings so long as:-

0. The redistributor allows the person getting a copy to redistribute.

1. Modifications / modified copies should be clearly marked.
2. If modified copies are being distributed, there should be a pointer
   to the original.

3. the person(s) receiving a copy is free is use it any way he wants.

And Millions of other artistes like Appu have created such images and
released on same terms.

Papu scans it on to a CD and distributes them. He calls the CD "Pappu
Ka CD".

Now, comes Babli. Babli says:-


  Is it any court has resolved this issue or Appu has resolved
  this issue or Copyright Holders have resolved this issue or Pappu
  has filed any case against redistributing the Pappu ka CD and has
  won  the case


I am speechless. 

Pappu can create the CD only because Appu and others have given
permission to copy and redistribute their Images. Appu and /or anybody
else cannot create a CD and call it "Pappu ka CD".

That is common sense. 

You cannot steal other's property. That is commonsense, I mean, that
is the law. but some people do steal. Several are not caught. Several
of those who are caught, are not prosecuted. Several of those who are
prosecuted _and_ found guilty, are not punished. So??

Go ahead and steal?

Mahesh T. Pai   ||
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