On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 5:00 PM, Gora Mohanty <g...@sarai.net> wrote:
> On Wed, 6 May 2009 15:18:30 +0530
> Anupam Jain <ajn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> [...]
>> That said, instead of caring about more participation, we should be
>> looking at more holding relevant events.
> The point about asking for more participation is that it
> makes it worthwhile for both the presenter, and the
> organiser.

Well that's my point about informality. Meetings should be just
meetings with a specific agenda but without presentations and
presentors. A BOF meeting like that can be very successful with
anywhere between 3-10 people.

>>                                     I would still try my best to
>> attend a BOF meeting on an interesting topic rather than a generic
>> ILUGD meeting every month. I regularly meet with friends over a cup of
>> coffee and Linux/FOSS is a hot topic of disscusion, We need to have
>> that level of informality.
> I am willing to give specific topics (how do we gauge which ones are
> of interest to people in Delhi/NCR?), but we have tried that. Perhaps
> the most successful one was the one centred around OpenStreetMap,
> which was a while ago. Just last month, Gaurav spent a fair amount
> of effort to organise a meeting, asking for topics and potential
> presenters on the list, arranging the meeting, etc. The net result
> was that five people showed up for a nice talk on Common Lisp, and
> various tools around it.

Sure 5 people is a good enough number. If we hold 10 such meetings,
that's 50 people meeting up every month. I'd call that a success.

> I am not sure what you mean by "that level of informality". LUG
> meetings obviously need to be announced at least a little ahead
> of time, and cannot be an off-the-cuff meeting of friends over
> coffee. How do you propose to bring informality into this?
>> ILUGD elections have no consequence for me at all. I don't know what
>> they are good for or how they affect me. Gora, the links you posted
>> are either inaccessible without logging in or have *very* old
>> information (pre 2001). Though as long as we have this list as it is,
>> I couldn't care less.
> There were just two links, as what Amit wanted does not really
> exist at the moment. The second link (the one that did not work)
> is to the Memorandum of Association. I am not sure why that link
> does not work from mail, but you can go to the "Governing Body"
> link, http://www.linux-delhi.org/cgi-bin/exec.cgi?action=exec
> and click on item 2 in the menu at the top. Again, it is probably
> not very useful.
> I guess the point still is that we do not know what would interest
> a sizable portion of the LUG. Personally, I am coming around to
> thinking that FOSS interest has broken down into smaller focus
> groups, and a broad-spectrum LUG has less relevance nowadays. This
> is not necessarily a bad thing, and could well be a sign that
> FOSS has matured beyond the early days of evangelism just for the
> sake of its ideals.

Agreed. I say we throw around a whole bunch of ideas on BOF meeting
topics, gauge interest and hold several of them every month. A few
topics (off the top of my head) that I am personally interested in
right now. Hold a BOF and I'll be there (schedule permitting) -

1. FOSS document sharing and publishing. Especially an alternative to PDF.
2. Any web dev topics PHP/RoR/Python, AJAX, anything.
3. FOSS platforms suitable for embedded systems. OpenMoko, Android.
Embedded Forth/Erlang/Scheme/Python.
4. FOSS Functional programming. Haskell, Erlang, Scheme.
5. Foss alternatives for shared Calendars, shared code development,
shared todo lists, milestone and task management.
6. What's up in Ubuntu/Debian. Ubuntu 9.04.
7. Gnome roadmap. Gnome translations into local languages. Getting a
better user experience in Gnome (install Thunar, AWN, and global menu
8. What's up with Firefox? What's up with Chrome? What's up with
Epiphany and Dillo?
9. New advances in Javascript engines. V8. Tracemonkey.
10. FOSS based massive information management. Search engines.

These are vast and varied topics. I'm sure I have some common
interests with some other people.

-- Anupam

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