On Wed, 6 May 2009 17:23:27 +0530
Anupam Jain <ajn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Well that's my point about informality. Meetings should be just
> meetings with a specific agenda but without presentations and
> presentors. A BOF meeting like that can be very successful with
> anywhere between 3-10 people.

OK, informal BoFs on a specific subject, where 5-10 people is a
good attendance, are useful, and can lead to interesting
discussions. If needed, space for such meetings can be
provided at Sarai, JNU (if Andrew is willing), or at any other
place. Certainly, we can arrange that Sarai premises are available
at a specific time, say every Sat., on a first-come, first-serve
basis for anyone who wishes to hold such a BoF, with an announcement
being made at least by Thu. of that week.

However, where is the role of the LUG in this, as presumably
a different set of people will be attending each meeting, and
there is little common interest among the groups? One possibility
is to have a monthly LUG meeting where the various groups come
together to discuss what each has done, and investigate whether
there are any shared interests. However, this would require some
kind of a commitment from the groups to send a representative to
such a generic meeting. How does that sound? Would it be possible
to have people from any such special-interest groups comment on
this idea.

> Agreed. I say we throw around a whole bunch of ideas on BOF meeting
> topics, gauge interest and hold several of them every month. A few
> topics (off the top of my head) that I am personally interested in
> right now. Hold a BOF and I'll be there (schedule permitting) -

Could you start a Wiki page on http://wiki.linux-delhi.org (you will
need to register), listing these topics, and announce the same here,
asking people to enter their names under the areas where they are


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