2009/5/6 Dinesh Shah (દિનેશ શાહ/दिनेश शाह) <dines...@gmail.com>:
> Sankarshan,
> On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 3:48 PM, sankarshan <foss.mailingli...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> 2009/5/6 Dinesh Shah (દિનેશ શાહ/दिनेश शाह) <dines...@gmail.com>:
>>> The LUGs should now move to provide umbrella for more specialist
>>> interest groups like Python, PHP, C/C++, RoR, Databases, Cloud
>>> Computing, Security, Application specific software stacks, Policy and
>>> evangelize related topics and such.
>> Why would the specialist groups be interested in a LUG umbrella ? I am
>> not playing the devil's advocate here (more so because that cameo is
>> generally used to spew unbridled sarcasm), but am specifically
>> interested in a discussion. While the thought did cross my mind, I
>> haven't had a comprehensive idea about what would make such an
>> embedded presence work.
> At least I can think of few possible reasons why it's advantageous for
> these smaller groups to come under LUG umbrella.
> 1. Keep the FOSS community united
> 2. Get benefit of the LUG experience and infrastructure to enhance their 
> appeal
> 3. Reach out to wider audience.
> See if you and others can come up with more reasons. :-)

I think the biggest reason is this list, which has a vast audience.
It's a shared platform which is a valuable brainstorming and
organising tool. Plus all new users join the local LUG and then decide
which BOF to attend.

-- Anupam

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