On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 7:06 PM, Raj Mathur <r...@linux-delhi.org> wrote:

> On Wednesday 03 Mar 2010, narendra sisodiya wrote:
> > No , this do not happen, You write a book, most publisher just print
> >  your name as author but copyright and license to distribute is with
> >  publisher. this is must like a IT company where coder (labor) write
> >  code and it goes into company account.
> Sorry, copyright vests with the original author.  Pick up any book on
> your shelf and look at the copyright on the publishing page, it will
> invariably be with the author or the author's estate.
> Sorry , in most of the case copyright will not remain with author,
If copyright is with author then multiple publishers will be able to publish
Please pick book,
I have 2-3 book, on my desk
1) Professional Javascript for web developer, wrox 2nd edition
Page read it was,
(c) 2009 by Wiley Publishing ,,,,,,

2) Beginning python 2th edition by apress
(c) 2008 Apress, berkley, CA, USA

3) XML and Web Services unleased,
(c) 2002 by pearson...

there are 3-4 more book on next desk, everywhere you can find that copyright
(and thus full power) goes with publisher...

> As Sudhanwa says, there is a difference between copyright (with author)
> and publishing and distribution rights (with publisher).  One is
> ownership, the other is a contract.
> Regards,
> -- Raju
> --
> Raj Mathur                r...@kandalaya.org      http://kandalaya.org/
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