Hi All,...

If i invent a thing using air water and sunlight..... that does not mean my
product should be free as i got air water and sunlight free from the mother
nature. If i develop a software or modify a software initially developed by
someone, it is a intellectual property. The initiator may be willing to give
his ideas as donation, but then there are lots of people who dont want to
give their work as free... and there is nothing wrong in it.

Redhat, Mandriva Enterprise Linux, SLES  ???? Are these things wrong.... NO
and no no.... coz they provide service for the amount they charge...

Let me see if anyone is competent enough to be a real FOSS Guy,.... please
come to me, i've lots of student who wants to have a career by passing RHCE
and Zend PHP Certification... is there anyone who can offer these free of
cost....atleast the teaching part...

I'm a non-veg, and fish is freely available in sea, then why does fisherman
sell me Fish and does not give it free of cost, afterall he got it free, did
he cultivate it ?... why is the government not blocking them as they are
selling which they get free unlike Chicken.

So, the moral is that, if someone spends time to develop something, he has
the right to give it for free or attach a price tag to it.


On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 1:44 AM, Shakthi Kannan <shakthim...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> --- On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 9:21 PM, kamal dave
> <kamal_dave_advoc...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> | ... intellectual property ... Intellectual Property
> | ... Intellectual Property ... Intellectual Property ... intellectual
> property.
> \--
> Never seen this so many times on a F/OSS mailing list. Nevertheless,
> worth reading the following:
>  http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/not-ipr.xhtml
> SK
> --
> Shakthi Kannan
> http://www.shakthimaan.com
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Nishant Prakash Kashyap
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