
kill  all the process by user1,

delete user1 if possible or change its password and check the users home
directory if their is some script found and check its contents and see where
all it has made changes.

Warm Regards,
Anshul Chauhan
"Never expect things to happen struggle & make them happen Never expect
yourself to be given a good value Create a value for your own.."

On Fri, Dec 3, 2010 at 11:56 AM, abhishek jain

> hi friends,
> I today noticed my VPS was running too slow, then i logged into root , and
> found a lot of load on it (> 240 ).
> I did a ps -ef and a lot of process were running, a lot of them were
> user1     23771     1  0 15:36 pts/0    00:00:02 ./atack 800
> Also in WHM i see a process
> user1 99.7 perl udp.pl 0 22
> can anyone here suggest me what should i do,
> i am not sure how user1 logged into server, further what does the command
> "perl udp.pl 0 22" mean which eats up 99.7% of CPU .
> --
> Thanks and kind Regards,
> Abhishek jain
> +91 9971376767
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