On 12/03/2010 06:26 AM, abhishek jain wrote:
can anyone here suggest me what should i do,
i am not sure how user1 logged into server, further what does the command
"perl udp.pl 0 22" mean which eats up 99.7% of CPU .

You have already had a lot of good advice here, I'll add a few more things :

- backup you data, and only your data

- backup anything else you might want from the machine, but in a different place to your data

- Call and speak to the hosting company - make sure they understand its security issue, and treat it with a high priority; Make sure they know what your level of linux competence is and how you can help them.

- Insist on a new VM being installed for you. Dont try and clean this one up, just get your data and make sure its destoyed

- Take steps to make sure this does not happen again :)

All the best.

- KB

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