Hi abhishek,

I agree with the guys who are supporting a reinstall here. Even my linux
(RHEL 5.5) Virtual machine was compromised once because i didn't updated it
regularly. Someone gained root access to my machine. I tried so many things
at that time. But finally there was only one solution and that is reinstall.

So just backup you data, only data and reinstall your system. And update
your system with the latest security updates. Even if you succeed fixing
this system, even then there are chances for the system to be compromised
once again. Because it may be possible that attacker may have generated a
vulnerability into the system. So, reinstall is the best way to ensure the
security and is a permanent fix. Thats the only way to secure your system.

And i hope you must be having a good idea about the rootkits now.....:)

Aman Thakur
Ilugd mailing list

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