At 12:12 PM -0700 9/8/2009, Bruce Johnson wrote:
>Yes, you can get some high performance POWER chips. But IBM doesn't
>want to make them so you can run a laptop off of them.

Right tool for the job.   I'm not suggesting that Apple support ONLY 
Power chips.  I'm pointing out that they already support multiple 
architectures -- so just make that available.  Let us have our Macs 
with whatever vendor's chips suits that type of Macs.  eg: ARM in the 
laptops.  Core 2 in the mid-range.  Power, etc in the high end.  At 
the rate so much stuff is using p-code... this is really no big deal.

>The staggering rate of performance increase of Macs since the Intel 
>switch is proof enough to me that Apple chose the right track.

Yes, they did.  Good market timing.  Yesterday.  We're talking about 
tomorrow.  Intel is beginning to wallow in their success, lower 
MTBFs, and deal with the anti-trust issues...

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth.

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