Do you mean Win7. I've not seen it... I do have WinXP SP2 sandboxed on 2 Macs (via Virtual PC 7). Instead of those ugly squares with totally unappealing icons, I might have at least suggested the red, yellow green from their logo, keeping the flag shapes.

On 27/09/10 12:58 PM, Dennis B. Swaney wrote:
On 27/09/10 09:40PDT, Bill Chapman wrote:
Just call the 'traffic-lights' a kind of 'paraphrase' of the real deal.
They are a brilliant adaptation, close enough. Simple, elegant. If MS
came up with that they would make them octagons and about 4 times larger.

They did, but they used squares.

Oh, and technically, only the red one should be an octagon. ;)

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