On Tue, 26 Sep 2006, Andrew Daviel wrote:
We are using a .procmailrc file with "|dmail". I only use Pine for maintenance.

OK, good.

FWIW, the problem can happen if a mailbox was delivered to with the old dmail, and then with the new dmail without an intervening mail read.

Does the rebuild happen multiple times for the same mailbox, or just once?
AFAIK just once.

Good. I can see it happen once as part of the upgrade scenario, but some people are reporting repeated rebuilds.

I see this as I say in Pine run directly on the mailbox file. Does imapd do a rebuild automatically when a client connects, or dmail do it when a new message arrives ? Or does one have to run mailutil ?

Rebuilds happen when opening a mailbox. Pine, imapd, and mailutil open mailboxes. dmail just appends to the mailbox.

Note that saves from Pine, imapd, and "mailutil append" are also just appends and don't do the rebuild.

Sigh. The whole reason why the rebuilds are necessary is because appends don't do the open (because it would take too long, that's why). But these rebuilds are a big problem.

I forget if I told you, but you are one of three sites that is experiencing these problems. If you're not having repeated rebuilds, that's good since that should mean that the problem will presently go away on its own for you (if it hasn't already).

-- Mark --

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