to: imports@, talk-pl@, zarzad@
Dear all,

guided by pnorman (thanks, Paul) I would like to mention, that the Stowarzyszenie OpenStreetMap Polska (Association of OSM Poland) officially requested and received data of national forests from Lasy Państwowe (The State Forests National Forest Holding) and would like to import part of the data to OSM.

The existing Polish forests in OSM has main three sources of data: was imported from UMP, or was created by users based on (un)aligned Bing/Landsat or was created/imported from CLC2000. Very often the quality of the data is poor; very often there are a big areas without any data.

The data which is considered to be imported contains the borders of forest's sections (small areas of the forest, about 5-20 ha) divided by forest's headquarters.

It is hard to estimate how much data will be imported/deleted, but using the official forest's data we can increase the coverage of forest from ~23% to ~29% for whole country.

The import procedure will be:
: to prepare the data in qgis (simplify the structure and shapes of data, remove unnecessary and add additional fields etc; : to load the data in JOSM and compare with existing one --- after a long discussion within local community (on #osm-pl@irc and during a meeting in Łódź on last weekend) we decided to do it manually. The reason for it is that very often existing forest's borders are the parts of complex relation, and also we have a lot of private forests, which aren't covered by the State Forest's data.
: add (or replace when needed) the data in OSM.

Additional information about the data is located under

Any suggestion will be appreciated.

Grzegorz Sapijaszko (gsapijaszko)

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