Emiliano schrieb am Thu, Nov 22, 2001 at 08:30:54AM +0100:
* Devdas Bhagat wrote:
* > Hmmm, cyrus is supposed to be a black box solution. This means that
* > access should only be through the IMAP/POP/KPOP interface and not
* > directly over the filesystem.
* > What cyrus does internally should not be the concern of the
* > administrator/user.
* >
* > This is good from both the developer and administrator point of view,
* > and prevents hardcoded solutions from being put in place.
* > Even if the internal format changes for some reason, it should not
* > affect your application, and the IMAP interface provides a standard API.
* >
* > I don't think I need to specify why using a standard published API is
* > good.
* Agreed, but in this line of reasoning I'd love to see an API that
* doesn't require logging is (as you'd have to through IMAP/POP/KPOP). For
* migration, or ACL reporting, or whatever else you'd want to do as a
* priviliged user (like the way cyrdeliver works) without needing each
* users' password.

Who needs that?  You have the admin account which can do almost anything.
We administrate a very large userbase (>100k users, increasing) via this 
admin account and IMAP4 utilising the very power of perl and supplied

  Cyurs::IMAP::Admin, Mail::IMAPClient.

All administrative run as batch jobs and do not require any human inter-
ference unless no errors are reported.  I won't say it is fast but you

 a) did not have to hack anything and

 b) do not risk messing up internal structures of cyrus.

As for the initial question: Isn't the decription given in "server-design"
(distributed with 2.0.x as text and html file) hint enough for layout
of the files mentioned here?

- Birger

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