Emiliano schrieb am Thu, Nov 22, 2001 at 10:22:25PM +0100:
* Birger Toedtmann wrote:
* > * I didn't know about Cyrus::IMAP::Admin. I'll look into it, but how would
* > * it gain access to the server without logging in? Or does it login (using
* > * IMAP?) with the admin account?
* >
* > Yes, it does exactly the latter one.  Don't you use "cyradm"?  It is just
* > a perl script utilising Cyrus::IMAP::Admin which comes with all cyrus distri-
* > butions.
* Not on Debian, appearantly. It's a compiled executable here.

Uh?  Are you really sure?  Which version of cyrus do you use?  Cyrus' 
installation are not platform dependant and I have only seen the skript
versions so far..

Anyway, here is a (very tiny) example how to do some stuff on the
server.  It simply adds all users supplied by STDIN:

  use Cyrus::IMAP::Admin;
  my $client = Cyrus::IMAP::Admin->new('localhost');
  $client->authenticate("-mechanism", "login", "-user", "admin", "-password", 
  while (<>) {


- Birger

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