On Thu, 2006-01-26 at 14:19 +0000, Paul Haldane wrote:
> We're running a couple of largish cyrus (2.x) imap servers (with
> sendmail).  Our admin people have come up with a request to be able to
> deliver messages (from certain email addresses) to people who have
> reached their mailbox quota.  We already do this for some
> administrative messages from the Cyrus servers themselves (using
> deliver -q) but would like ot be able to do this with messages
> generated outside the cyrus servers.
> I'm assuming that we need to do something like creating a new mailer
> definition in sendmail and then routing stuff through that based on
> the sender address.  However I've not been able to find anything about
> doing the second bit of that either in the sendmail or cyrus docs and
> thought that someone here is likely to have done this already.
> Also would I need to use 'deliver -q' in the new mailer definition.
> Our current cyrus mailer definition uses LMTP to a socket but I don't
> see a way to add arbitrary options to the RCPT commands (I've had a
> pretty good trawl through the sendmail source but I may well have
> missed something obvious)

we do this with Exim, so I can't offer help with the Sendmail
definitions.  for messages which qualify, we use a special mailer
("transport" in Exim terminology) which invokes "deliver -q".  normal
delivery happens with LMTP.  it is possible to do this directly in LMTP
(that's what deliver(8) does), but Exim doesn't support sending the
required parameter ("IGNOREQUOTA") in the RCPT TO command.  although
deliver(8) isn't as reliable as direct LMTP, the volume of such
exceptional messages should be so low it doesn't matter much.

btw, we base the decision on the Reply-To-header, which means all
support personell who set Reply-To to the support address will be
allowed to send these kinds of messages.  it is of course open to abuse
(all such methods are, really), but it shouldn't be a problem in

Kjetil T.

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