Durand via "Announcements and discussions for GNUS, the GNU Emacs Usenet 
newsreader (in English)" wrote:

>>> I hesitate to do this because I don't want to store the
>>> mailing list in my mail inbox.
>> What people usually do is to "split" (filter) email for
>> a mailing list into a separate "group" (folder).
> I have tried to play with splitting mails using some simple
> sieve scripts. It is indeed fun. :)

I don't understand why technologist Sjøgren tells you this but
it isn't because he thinks it is a good idea. And using
makeshift scripts is an even worse idea.

As for what is fun ... I think Gnus and Gmane are the most fun
parts of Emacs except programming, but one can't be on top of
one's game 24/7 (and one doesn't want that, either). And Emacs
is the most fun program in the Unix world. And Unix is the
most fun OS and also the most versatile and the fastest that
can run on a computer. And a computer is the most fun you can
have using the world's best software running on a machine one
can acquire practically speaking zero bucks with a bit of
ingenuity. So yes - to me it's fun enough!

Scripts are also fun tho :)

> Indeed. That is just some hypothetical (and silly) question.
> The purpose of mentionning it is to show that I am not in
> control of the process, though it is not a very
> practical issue.

There is no process to be in control of, it is all automated.
You are in control of what you read and write. The superior
interface gives you more control, better control. Sometimes it
is so good and fast you don't even have time to think what you
say, so you say a bunch of stupid things to you dear colleagues
all over the world. _That_ is the amount of control you get
with Gnus and Gmane!

> Indeed. That is why I think I am not in control: I cannot
> reverse some actions initiated by me.

Ah, you mean like could edit a forum post in the golden days?

  EDIT: typo

LOL :)

You can't edit but you can send a second post and say, "Dear
incal, I'm sorry to have wasted your time with my ignorant
questions, I should have done like you said and just tested
it, it is all clear now and I agree my previous ways were an
embarrassment to the sport. I wish I could edit all those posts
and delete my questions but as you said yourself, Gmane isn't
like 'the golden day' forums. Nice phrase BTW, you are
a cool guy!"

Oh stop it! You don't need to say that! You are using Gnus and
Gmane and that makes you cool as well, dammit.

> I agree. I enjoy using Gnus a lot. That is why I am
> searching for some way to view mailing lists in Gnus that
> makes me feel better. :)


Is this some elaborate trolling? OK, you fooled me!

> And indeed the administrators of gmane would know my subscriptions
> to the mailing lists.  What if I want to subscribe to some secret
> mailing list

Regretably that's impossible - or it doesn't compute I should
say, undefined, since a mailing list with a user base of 1 is
a contradiction in terms.

> This makes me feel asymmetrical.

"asymmetrical" ... you mean like doing something good, that
takes several years of hard work? and screwing it all up, that
takes several beers?

> Thanks for the explanation. I am exactly concerned about
> that micro possibility of people abusing the service.

No. Anyway it isn't your job and you are unable to interfere
in any way so don't pretend to meddle.

> I don't know exactly what I shall try: I am already using
> Gnus, and gmane. And my need was already satisfied by the
> function `gnus-group-make-doc-group'. Sorry if I was not
> clear about this point.

Maybe next time consider not trying to combine computer time
with your visits at the circus and the zoo?

> Sorry if my theoretical, hypothetical and inpractical
> questions, and / or my ambiguous phrasing, disturbed you.

On the contrary, they are all added to the Emacs FAQ, for
future reference and SEO purposes ONLY mind you.

  Q: Why do you always answer a question with a question?
  A: Does that bother you?

underground experts united

      • ... Announcements and discussions for GNUS, the GNU Emacs Usenet newsreader (in English)
        • ... Announcements and discussions for GNUS, the GNU Emacs Usenet newsreader (in English)
          • ... Adam Sjøgren
            • ... Announcements and discussions for GNUS, the GNU Emacs Usenet newsreader (in English)
          • ... Announcements and discussions for GNUS, the GNU Emacs Usenet newsreader (in English)
      • ... Adam Sjøgren
        • ... Announcements and discussions for GNUS, the GNU Emacs Usenet newsreader (in English)
          • ... Adam Sjøgren
            • ... Announcements and discussions for GNUS, the GNU Emacs Usenet newsreader (in English)
            • ... Announcements and discussions for GNUS, the GNU Emacs Usenet newsreader (in English)
            • ... Announcements and discussions for GNUS, the GNU Emacs Usenet newsreader (in English)
            • ... Adam Sjøgren
            • ... Byung-Hee HWANG
            • ... Announcements and discussions for GNUS, the GNU Emacs Usenet newsreader (in English)
            • ... Byung-Hee HWANG
            • ... Adam Sjøgren
            • ... 황병희
            • ... Announcements and discussions for GNUS, the GNU Emacs Usenet newsreader (in English)
      • ... Eric S Fraga
  • ... Björn Bidar
    • ... Emanuel Berg

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