Dear Adam,

Adam Sjøgren <> writes:

> Byung-Hee writes:
>> Adam Sjøgren <> writes:
>>> Plus: have you looked at the sizes of harddisks these days? You can
>>> store a _lot_ of emails in a couple of terabytes.
>> Adam, please give me more example. Maybe i need this strategy...
> I was just thinking about how small mailing list emails are compared to
> how huge harddisks are these days.
> My first harddisk was 40 MB, my laptop today has 1.5 TB of SSD. That's
> more than 39000x larger. I definitely haven't been writing/receiving
> 39000x more emails. I have 396K emails in ~/Mail currently - they take
> up 11 GB, that's ~a 140th of the available space.
> In Feedbase I have 3.3 million articles currently, the PostgreSQL table
> takes up around 5.4 GB on disk.
> So I wasn't thinking of any specific strategy, storage spaces has just
> grown much faster than email size.
> PostgreSQL (unsurprisingly) is more efficient than a-file-per-article by
> quite a bit, though :-)
>   Best regards,
>     Adam

Just impressed over whole story. You are stable man Adam!

Thanks for share good article ^^^

Sincerely, Gnus fan Byung-Hee

^고맙습니다 _布德天下_ 감사합니다_^))//

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            • ... Announcements and discussions for GNUS, the GNU Emacs Usenet newsreader (in English)
            • ... Adam Sjøgren
            • ... Byung-Hee HWANG
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            • ... Byung-Hee HWANG
            • ... Adam Sjøgren
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