Well, when can I start taking scoreboard installation classes then?


I don't think I can move up to moving snow or principalling yet.





Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2008 3:10 PM
To: info-tech@aea8.k12.ia.us
Subject: re: [info-tech] more standardization


Jeremy must have been on the same wavelength as me.  He took all of my

We have decided to go with the NEC VT695, mostly because I know a few
districts (like FD) have had very good luck with them.  Since our great
January break-in in our HS we are installing 5 of these units.

The one thing I really like about the NEC is the ability to remove the
filters without having to take the projector apart or take out the
bulbs.  They just slide in and are easy to take out and clean.

Jon W. Hueser- MSE, Ed. S
MS/HS Principal
Technology Director
East Greene CSD
405 12th Street South
Grand Junction, IA  50107
515-738-2411 x241
Fax:  515-738-5719


From: "Henn, Layne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2008 1:50 PM
To: info-tech@aea8.k12.ia.us
Subject: [info-tech] more standardization

We are trying to standardize on a projector to put in classrooms.

*         I have gotten opinions from some teachers around our district,
but for the most part, they aren't picky, they just want the bulbs to
last forever.

*         It seems to me that 2 video inputs is a very nice feature, for
switching between computer and doc. cam or other source.  

*         A VGA video input is nice as well as Svideo (although I've
never seen it used) for DVD/VCR or video cameras

*         What other features do you folks look at when purchasing
projectors?  For the most part, they won't be mounted.  Is there a
specific brand that bulbs are more reasonable on?

*         Is anyone using wireless connections to projectors
successfully?  We have a few, but the wireless network (internet)
connection is given up when connecting to the wireless proj.  Teachers
don't like that.

*         As always, price is a factor, but it seems that most of these
manufacturers are making money on the bulbs, warranties and not the
projector itself.


    Layne A. Henn


 forsignature <http://www.siouxcityschools.org/> 



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