> Thanks for clarification. 
> Then expectations of users intuitively from my side can be:
> (1) I want to be agnostic to the network protocols (I do not want to know 
> Bluetooth, ZigBee, thread, Airdrop, or any others). I just hope that if I buy 
> an IoT device, I can take control of it by my phone (better locally).

That is correct. That is how IP was born in the days of Ethernet, Token Ring, 
FDDI, X.25, DDN-X.25, Frame Relay, SMDS, and ATM. Not to mention all the HDLC 
variant serial links. Bridging across these data links (at layer 2) was always 

> (2) I want to have strict privacy/security. No traces can be linked to me 
> according to the networking actions I took once I choose to remain anonymous.

Meaning the IP layer encrypts ALL packets and source addresses are obfuscated 
and possibly randomized. The ideas and points Tom (and Luigi) has made in the 

> (3) I can access my devices/data anytime, anywhere, all under my control. Any 
> data that I have/bought cannot be confiscated or taken away from me.

I think the lay Internet user already assumes this. And expects the same 
service as when they plug into an electrical outlet. If it doesn't work, they 

> (4) Similar to your first point: I want to be always attached to the Internet 
> by any personal devices. (then I can better enjoy the features above)


> Here I have another question: application developer/programmer should have a 
> different angle for new features. Of course application developer/programmer 
> should to be agnostic (or learn as less as possible) to network stuffs during 
> developing, but definitely they have more insights and more details shall be 
> learned by them.

App developers control user behavior by making their services/functionality 
available with good UI. Make it easy for the user to get do things with the 
fewest number of steps. A counter example is the Facebook iOS app.


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