I hear you all that hydrogen + Air (20% oxygen & nitrogen 80%) makes water,
and will ultimately damage an engine (shorten its life by at least 1/2).
HOWEVER, what are car manufacturers making to burn hydrogen? Example:

and I'm sure there are other sites.  Aren't these same concerns shared by
the auto manufacturers?

Ken Carrigan

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mitch
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2006 10:00 PM
To: Interact
Subject: Re: [Keelynet] New variant of Eternal engine.

    Hello all. Yes, I am sure that Norm is correct in saying that we are 
revamping history. Those of old were no dummies, and used steam power for a 
long time. My father, who will celebrate,(God willing), his 82nd birthday 
this year, is a wealth of info on what the old timers knew and did. He was 
personally involved with mechanics, who in the 40's and 50's were attempting

to build water engines. They all got the motors to run, but the motors would

all experience the same catastrophic failures due to the high temps and the 
'burning up' of the materials the motor was built from. Aluminum, or steel, 
it still burned up. This seemed to be the only stumbling block to having a 
working water motor at that time. However, Dad was also a truck driver, and 
he says that on a foggy night, an engine simply 'ran better', due to the 
small amount of water vapor the engine digested, and had a little more 
horsepower overall in these conditions. But a motor ran under these 
conditions did not last as long as one that was not.
  Also, a friend of mine used to be in to Stock Car Quartermile racing. He 
tells me how he would disconnect the windshield washer hose, and pipe it 
into the carburetor, and while he was barreling down the quarter, he would 
hit the water spray, and gain the horsepower edge over his opponent. Problem

was that he had to change motors often, because the one he just ran on water

injection was destroyed. The pistons were 'eaten up'.
   These kind of stories tend to make me a little dubious about the 
longevity of an engine powered on burning fuel / water. I think that any 
motor that will run on water will have to be made with exotic materials that

our elders did not possess.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Norman Wootan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Interact" <>
Sent: Sunday, November 12, 2006 3:08 AM
Subject: Re: [Keelynet] New variant of Eternal engine.

> If you guys will go back in railroad history and read about "Pony Engines"

> you will find this same senerio.  In the switching yard, pony engines did 
> not have steam boilers.
> They were hooked up to prime locomotives to load a large holding tank with

> super heated water.  The pony engine would move rail cars around the yard 
> and do all the
> necesary switching etc. by injection and flashing the super heated water 
> into motive steam very simply.  You are revamping history.   Norm
> Mitch wrote:
>>  O.K. Jerry, I'll take a crack at this. It appears that this guy is 
>> talking about a simple steam engine. He rightly says that water under 
>> various pressures boils at different temperatures, and is telling us how 
>> his engine works. 

ine works. 

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