
On 02.03.22 14:56, naitsi...@e.mail.de wrote:

Am 02-Mar-2022 13:51:07 +0100 schrieb ocram...@gmail.com:

Hey Christian,

On Wed, Mar 2, 2022 at 1:41 PM <naitsi...@e.mail.de> wrote:
this is exactly the problem. Russia did not just invaded Ukrainia out of 
nowhere. The story started in 2014 with the illegal coup d'etat against Viktor 
Yanukovych and its acceptance by the western countries. Or even earlier, with 
the eastern extension of the EU and the Nato, to get Ukriane on their side, 
stoping the political neutrality of Ukraine between Russia and the western.

As you see, it is not as simple. Should we start a discussion now? I do not 
think so. It would not help anybody. Wars or conflicts are never simple. 
Usually there's a long story.
Taking ones side in political conflicts will separate the community for sure.

Please do not start that.

You and anybody else can show their political position on twitter, facebook or 
elsewhere. We do not need to do that on php.net.

Please GTFO: we don't need more of Putin's propaganda over here, as they're 
busy enough with butchering civilians over there.


Marco Pivetta

Hi Marco,

this is exactly what I meant. It leads to separation of the community and hate 
against each other. You judge my statement as Putin propaganda although I have 
not said I am supporting Putin or the war. I only wanted to make clear, that if 
we start to support Ukraine as the victimized party in this conflict we have to 
do that in other conflicts, too.

Look at the Iraquis who were attacked by the USA, the Uyghurs in China, the 
poulation in Noth Korea or the war in Yemen. Thousands of people are dying 
there every year and nobody is raising his voice.
The US attack against Iraq was ... debateable but is by now history. Yes: We perhaps should have taken a side at that time! We can learn from that!

The other things you mention are state-internal affairs that are far from being OK! Don't get me wrong on that! But they do not qualify as invading a separate country! As an act of war. They are internal affairs and as such sadly qualify differently. And despite us having ideas about human rights etc taking sides in an internal affair always has a connotation of Colonialism. "We know it better". But in the case of Ukraine there is a clear aggressor that has invaded an independent country which is against all internationally agreed upon laws, rules and regulations. Not standing up against that silently tolerates that behaviour. Which is not something I like to endorse.

And standing up against the injustice against the Ukraine does not negate the other injustices around the world. Whether that is the way women are being treated by the new Afghanistan government, the uigurs in China are treated, the whole mess in and around Israel or the way POC are treated in the US. And this totally incomplete list is in no way trying to compare these different things with one another.
Maybe I can give you an example to make clear what I mean: If the banner for the Ukraine 
is shown on php.net. I could request a banner for the people in Hong Kong who are 
suppressed by China, too. If you refuse it, it would be very unfair. If you say 
"yes" there should come more requests. Then php internals will have to create 
rules when php.net should show its solidarity and when not.

The rule would be: Internal affairs are shit but they are exactly that: Internal affairs. A war of aggression (one country attacking another one without the justification of self-defence) IMO justifies solidarity with the attacked country.



                                                             (o o)
| Andreas Heigl                                                       |
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