On Wed, Apr 12, 2023 at 5:16 PM Rowan Tommins <rowan.coll...@gmail.com>

> I think "moving to a modern platform" presents a false dichotomy.
> Any move needs to be assessed on both the advantages and disadvantages of
> *both* (or all) options, not just what looks new and shiny if we move.
> Some starting points off the top of my head:
> * Ease of access (is subscribing to e-mail *really* harder than logging
> into Github?)
> * Notification of replies and new threads (I find Github pretty awful at
> controlling e-mails and giving useful activity overviews)
> * Handling of threads and sub-threads (at minimum, a tree view like a
> decent e-mail client; preferably, ability for trusted users to split and
> merge threads)
> * Spam control

Agreed. Notifications might not be the strong side of GitHub, but there's a
way to filter discussion notifications (same as subscribing to the mailing
list) and subscribe/unsubscribe to a specific discussion only. There are
also threads with replies, although there are no sub-threads.

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