Well the point was just that Pierre enjoys complaining about everyone
else but doesn't deliver what he promised :) (yes I know he doesn't get
paid for it). Andrei and I have talked to him many times and we were
still hoping something's going to move on that front. If not I assume we
need to find someone else. Dmitry is doing many things (mainly
non-Windows now) but bandwidth is limited. I'm sure there are also
others who can do this.

We've actually spent a lot of time here on namespaces and have also
talked to some users who asked for it to figure out what it is people
"really" want. From my limited research it seems that there's quite a
delta between the academic bias for what namespaces are and what the
real pain points in the PHP world are. We're wrapping up some of that
research and will share when we have some recommendations (and maybe
even some code to play around with). The focus though is on actually
solving the issues and not necessarily bringing over a C++'ish kind of

Re: late static binding, there have been various ideas and I also had
one. Unfortunately I haven't seen a very performing idea yet. We will
also spend time on that and try and see if we can figure something out
but it's definitely not an easy one.

Anyway, some of these things are tough nuts to crack and definitely
require some thorough thinking. Worst thing would be for us to implement
something which we'll regret long term.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lukas Kahwe Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2007 11:33 PM
> To: Andi Gutmans
> Cc: Pierre; Rasmus Lerdorf; internals@lists.php.net
> Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] What is the use of "unicode.semantics" 
> in PHP 6?
> Andi Gutmans wrote:
> > P.S. - Whatever happened to runtime JIT? 
> I think Dmitry is doing windows stuff and Pierre is busy as 
> well. I guess either one of them will do it, once they have 
> time. Nobody else has stepped up to take this on earlier.
> Things are also not moving forward in the namespace and late 
> static binding front, which are two other features that could 
> make PHP6 appealing.
> Anyways the key point that I think various people have tried 
> to make is that PHP6 with a unicode on/off switch is 
> essentially like 2 separate PHP versions. As a result 
> releasing PHP6 with such a switch is more or less the same as 
> making two major releases at the same time from the 
> development side of things. As a result even if we drop PHP4, 
> it would mean that the PHP development team would have to 
> maintain 1 fairly stable branch and two branches that need 
> stabilizing. Eventually we will also see a PHP7 branch etc. 
> This means that the PHP dev team will have to maintain more 
> branches than before at a time where I see less and less 
> commits of the people that have worked on PHP in the last 
> years (*) and where very few of the new guys seem to feel 
> comfortable to take on adding or rewriting larger chunks of code.
> regards,
> Lukas
> (*) As evident by the fact that we have been pushing off the 
> PHP6 pre-alpha for over half a year with no movement on the 
> main show stopper.

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