On Wed, 2007-06-20 at 23:06 -0700, Andi Gutmans wrote:
> I completely disagree. I believe there will be additional value to PHP 6
> which is not only Unicode. Some is already done, some is on the way, and
> some we don't know yet but when the core developer team momentum turns
> to the latest release that's where the innovation happens.

Exactly what is this magical "core developer team" that suddenly
materializes as soon as we're doing a release? That sounds like from
some western where the cavalry comes to the rescue in the last
moment.. :D

> If tactical mistakes were made that doesn't mean we should change our
> philosophy.

Yeah, let's not do tactical mistake this time, let's lose the whole war.

> Actually I am probably deeper into this than most people as not only do
> I review a large amount of these patches but I also have people here who
> have to go the extra mile to do this extra work. It means lower
> productivity out of some people here but I think it's worth it. The
> sensitivity on my side is very high to maintenance costs as I pay it
> every day (this also included runtime JIT).

Whatta hell are you talking about? You're talking about PHP like it is
some sort of commercial product..or did it become such while I was gone?
Come on people, you need to tell me about things like this! :D

> I completely disagree. I think PHP 6 without unicode_semantics=on makes
> HUGE sense. So much sense that I think the majority of PHP 6 users will
> be unicode_semantics=off but will still have jumped on the PHP 6 boat.

Okay, so you actually agree we don't need "unicode.semantics" setting at
all. Why didn't you just state that and not write these long essays?
(I remember someone else complaining about long essays in the past..)


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