On Wed, July 25, 2007 10:27 am, Sebastian Mendel wrote:
> Stanislav Malyshev schrieb:
>>> But why not allow importing namespaced functions and constants into
>>> the global namespace?
>> Because there's really no need to. Nothing wrong with
>> namespace::function().
> so i can not use a lib that switched to namespaces in my old code that
> does
> not support namespace?
> with other words:
> i have to rewrite my whole code to use the new version of a lib that
> has
> switched to namespace?
> thats makes transition really easy ... so why should any lib switch to
> namespace if this implies all apps using this libarary needs to
> rewrite
> their code?

Since a "code rewrite" consists of slapping "<?php package foo;?>" or
something similar at the top of each file, and even a moron like me
could manage that in a very short time, I don't think this is much of
an issue, personally.

There will be many who won't use namespaces/packages/whatevers until
all "live" versions of PHP support them. That's just the nature of the

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