Dan Scott wrote:
Right. And Wez posted this (partially in reply to Lester's almost
identical hysterics at that time) on this very list ages ago
(http://news.php.net/php.internals/14937 - Feb 14, 2005, to be exact):

Drivers are free(*) to implement driver specific methods on the PDO
and PDOStatement objects, provided they are "namespaced"



would be a mysql driver specific feature.

More generic attributes can be accessed or set via the get/setAttribute methods.

(*) while they are "free" to do so, it's better to discuss the feature
first to see if it can be made into a more generic feature of PDO

NOTE the (*) - I'm TRYING to reopen the discussion on generic things like transaction handling. Simply bolting driver specific solutions back into each different driver in a different way is pointless? We have those drivers already? The extra's are less of a problem than missing CORE facilities :(

So can we _please_ move on, Lester? If someone who cares about
Firebird wants to beef up the PDO_Firebird driver with all kinds of
Firebird-specific features, the answer is still the same as it was
almost two and a half years ago: the PHP project humbly awaits that
person's patch.

The MAIN problem here is that a number of the things I'm talking about are NOT Firebird/Interbase specific, and ARE already managed via ADOdb, but they are currently disabled if you use the PDO driver *IN* ADOdb. The general consensus then was that PDO WOULD get round to addressing these areas. In two and a half years has anything been done yet?

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact - http://home.lsces.co.uk/lsces/wiki/?page=contact
L.S.Caine Electronic Services - http://home.lsces.co.uk
MEDW - http://home.lsces.co.uk/ModelEngineersDigitalWorkshop/
Firebird - http://www.firebirdsql.org/index.php

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