On 16 Aug, 2007, at 1737, Stanislav Malyshev wrote:

PHP users: "Wait.. WTF? These don't act like namespaces - where are the braces?"

That's like saying "BMW Z4 is not a car - it has only two seats!"

That doesn't change the fact that that was the very reaction of this list.

PHP users: "These act more like... Java packages. Why are they called namespaces?"

Java packages are namespace implementation, btw.

Indeed, I am not arguing that.

Recognizing that their implementation was different than the C++ feature, the Java folks chose a different name. Because they knew that if they put out a feature with the same name as a C++ feature, people would assume it works the same way as the C++ feature. I would prefer that PHP's namespace feature not be overshadowed by confusion caused by it's keyword.


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