On Tue, August 21, 2007 1:22 am, Lukas Kahwe Smith wrote:
> Andi Gutmans wrote:
>> Before we continue this discussion I think there are a couple of
>> things
>> which would be useful data points:
>> a) What is the performance difference between an implicit Unicode
>> app
>> and non-Unicode. If we have 3-4 apps ported over to
>> Unicode_semantics=on

I also seem to recall that the "get rid of camp" was pushing for
reasons of maintainability rather than performance...

Which is not to say that horrible performance either way wouldn't be
quite useful to one camp or the other, but it's kind of an irrelevant
experiment for maintainability.

For those who think it's easier to have PHP 6 and PHP 6--, could you
explain how that's different in real-world setup from PHP 6 and PHP 5

It's not like you can just flip the switch mid-script or even per-dir.

So you're kind of stuck with two pools of servers, no?

You only save a "./configure --with-dir=/foo; make; make install;"

Am I being stoopid again?

I honestly thought this had been resolved to "get rid of it"... [shrug]

Some people have a "gift" link here.
Know what I want?
I want you to buy a CD from some indie artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

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