Andi Gutmans wrote:

Maybe you guys can try with ezComponents?

So whats your target with this BC flag .. make it possible to have PHP4-PHP6 (unicode off) apps?

Keep in mind that the camp that is suggesting to remove the unicode flag is at the same time committing to back porting more things to PHP5 in a case per case basis. As a result users will not be left in the dust with PHP5.

Derick also suggested on IRC that we should focus on making PHP 5.3 as much forward compatible as possible, to make this even more feasible.

Remember that several people have pointed out that maintaining the unicode flag is more or less like maintaining two branches (in some respects its even harder .. in some other its less .. which probably evens out more or less ..). At the same time we will need to maintain PHP5 for quite some time anyways as PHP6 matures and people get more RAM :)

This porting effort will undoubtly benefit PHP6 in the ways you describe. It will help us find issues, it will help us improve the migration documentation. However binding this decision to actually porting a BIG PHP4 and a BIG PHP5 app is not feasible. We _know_ the increased effort in maintance, we do not know the performance impact and the migration time. So how can the default be that we increase the maintance effort in order to speed up something we do not know?


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