On Thu, 29 Nov 2007, Marcus Boerger wrote:

>   I do not care for IBM problems. Not at all. If people want to commit 
> they can do it in their free time. If IBM now thinks they have to make 
> PHP suitable for their own stuff then they are obviously willing to 
> spend quite some interest because they have a much bigger business 
> interest. That said I am confident they can find ways to deal with it 
> inside IBM itself. But they do not like to do it as that would be much 
> more expensive for them. Also the trouble is that then they would need 
> to be real open source.

To add to this, I think that if IBM (and others) are so keen on having 
PHP support their nice databases, they should also realize that it is 
them that should be nice to *us* and not the other way around. We (as in 
PHP project) shouldn't have to change the ways how we're dealing with 
contributions at all. It should be the big companies that actually have 
a financial interested in PHP supporting their software that open up 
more and appease us.


Derick Rethans
http://derickrethans.nl | http://ez.no | http://xdebug.org

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