On Mon, 2008-01-07 at 19:21 +0100, Stefan Priebsch wrote:
> Sam Barrow schrieb:
> > Keep in mind that your "do_whatever" would actually be a trigger error
> > with an error message including the name of the function and parameter
> > number. 
> I did not make the point of my code clear enough. do_whatever is not the 
> code that triggers the error, but the code that handles the error.
> My point is that I think people will start checking parameters before 
> they call a function to avoid a fatal error. This is more code and 
> uglier, because you'll have to repeat it for every function call, 
> instead of once in the function body.
> Even if they put an explicit typecast into a function call, like
> foo((int) $something) error handling code would have to be provided in 
> case the cast was not possible.

This is an optional feature. It's MY library, why can I not force
consumers of the API to use it how I, the developer, think it should be

The onus should be on consumers of my API to use it properly, not on me
to jump through hoops to make sure they gave me the correct data at
every step of the way. I stopped holding hands in grade 3 or so.

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