On Feb 6, 2008 12:02 AM, Tomi Kaistila <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > No one seems to have answered my point that actually relying on type
> > juggling for anything other than string concatenation is asking for a
> > problem.
> Probably because there isn't a way to answer that point. Anyone who does would
> be laughed out of the barn. Like I told Sam just few minutes ago, the fact is
> that no matter how wonderful PHP's juggling is, there is still a reason why
> we have different data types. If it was all the same we wouldn't need
> integer, float, et cetera. But we do have them and we do need them.
> The whole objection against this feature was never about the technical merits
> of it. It was just simply about some people saying "I don't like it" and thus
> concluding that it should not be added.

There is no decision yet. Let us think about it a bit more and we'll
bring it back to the list :)

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