On Thu, 10 Jan 2008, sean finney wrote:

> On Wednesday 09 January 2008 08:50:59 pm Ilia Alshanetsky wrote:
> > The reason we do not use the system database is because it is
> > inconsistent and likely is updated less frequently then the one
> > included with PHP.
> Personally I think this patch would be great, and I will recommend it to the 
> other debian php maintainers for review.

Let me just remind you:
This patch BREAKS functionality.

> It would certainly be a lot better 
> than our current solution, where the timezone db has been ripped out of php 
> and put into a seperate package which is managed outside of the stable 
> release cycle (in the "volatile" release area).

That is a silly approach, when we (the PHP project) already provide a 
way to update this without having to make hacks. Have a look at the PECL 
timezonedb extension.

> I understand that it may make the job of developing/releasing/supporting 
> easier for you to bundle the timezone db (just like libgd, et c), but please 
> consider the position of those who are responsible for maintaining not just 
> your software but thousands of other projects' packages...  wouldn't it be 
> possible to at least make this some kind of compile-time option for those of 
> us who do like the idea?

It has very little to do with maintenance, actually, it is more work for 
us to maintain that extension. But apparently you didn't read my other 
mail or simply chose to ignore it.


Derick Rethans
http://derickrethans.nl | http://ezcomponents.org | http://xdebug.org

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