On Fri, 21 Mar 2008, Tex Texin wrote:

> I admit to being unclear on why DateFormatter conflicts with Date. 
> I'll have to read the manuals later. Seems rather limiting if all 
> names beginning with "Date" are now verboten. That said:
> A) Derick, Shifu, Can you (or anyone) demonstrate the name conflict? I 
> think it should have been caught by testing if it exists. I'd like to 
> reproduce the problem.

It's not only an issue for classes starting with Date actually. It's in 

Classes should be given descriptive names. Avoid using abbreviations
where possible. Each word in the class name should start with a capital
letter, without underscore delimiters (CampelCaps starting with a
capital letter).  The class name should be prefixed with the name of the
'parent set' (e.g.  the name of the extension).

In this case, all of the classes in pecl/intl should start with Intl. 
The reason for this is to not ever have conflicts between different 

> B) Name change proposals:
> 1) DatetimeFormatter
> 2) IntlDateFormatter

Which is option 2.


Derick Rethans
http://derickrethans.nl | http://ezcomponents.org | http://xdebug.org

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