Nobody can set memory_limit in a script during runtime. AFAICT.

Why? It's INI_ALL. So is, for example, include_path.

Short tags are language SYNTAX issue. That's why it's different.
You don't get any plain error if they're "on" and something doesn't work.
It just doesn't work or misbehaves.

In 99.999% of cases you'd get parse error on first <?xml, i.e. very first line of the file. I have yet to see any other context where short tags wouldn't work. So I don't see - what exactly would "not work or misbehave" without giving an error? Can you produce any example of application or other real code that would silently misbehave with short tags on but behave OK with short tags off?
Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Software Architect
(408)253-8829   MSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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