Hello Stanislav,

Friday, March 21, 2008, 8:37:18 PM, you wrote:

>> I'd rather see <?php= than having this whole "short_open_tag" thing at all.

> Does <?php= work? I though echo shortcut works only with short tags. 
> <?php= is not much worse than <?= so it'd be OK with me. Downside would 
> be template systems couldn't use it until 5.3 is widely deployed - which 
> means no template system can use it as standard for about 2-3 years at 
> least. Unless we put <?php= in 5.2, which would make me a happy camper, 
> but might be a trouble for others.

The problem with '<?php=' is that it still doesn't work with XML tools.
However the '<?echo' I mentioned would work. We could also go for something
like '<?phpecho'. I for one would really appreciate it. And I would not
mind adding that to 5.2 if that makes you happy. But I care to less for it
to be available tomorrow.

Best regards,

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