On Sun, Mar 23, 2008 at 2:37 PM, Steph Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey Hannes,
>  > Few people want this extension to be moved to core, which means: every
>  > decision about this extension is "deciding anything about PHP".
>  Those 'few people' were actually in the majority when it was put to the
>  vote. Yes development could and should've been made public all along, but
>  the fact remains that intl offers damn useful functionality.

Noone is arguing about the usefulness of the extension.
We are arguing about how the maintainers of the extension are about to
abandon it once it reaches -stable and the fact it doesn't even try to
follow our coding standards.
To make matter worse Zend is once again trying to split the community
into closed enterprise discussion lists and php.net discussions.


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