Pierre Joye schrieb:
On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 4:32 PM, Ulf Wendel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Pierre Joye schrieb:
Drop the launchpad and use php's cvs. We have actually two development
branches (5.3 until the 24th and HEAD) and PECL. The latter let you
experiment as much as you wish.
Pierre, you are not in the position to tell us what repository we use for
internal developments and experimental features.

I am in the position to tell you that I disagree with your choices.
I'm even more concerned as I try to maintain and test the current
windows releases for our PHP releases. Given the almost complete lack
of answers from MySql to my requests, I'm actually in the positions to

What's your point, what requests are you talking about?

Any recent mails to Andrey, who has just returned from 5(!) weeks of vacation to me, Georg, Johannes, any requests on [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I saw one person complaining about mysqlnd being compiled into PHP although no mysql extension was compiled into PHP: bug - open to anybody to fix. As its a build quirk, I have not even followed up on the discussion. PHP has a very vivid team of developers fixing many issues before they go down to the maintainers, see the constant work on bug reports. I relied on that to happen. Is that the issue you are talking about?

Or should I start flaming againt the developing of a new PHP parser at
svn://whisky.macvicar.net/php-re2c . Looks like there are two classes of
developers in your world. The bad and the good. The good can use their own
repositories. The bad may not. And MySQL is bad.

See Scott answer and I can hardly see a relation between the two.

The parser has been developed at other places for good reasons. mysqlnd has been developed at other places for good reasons as well.


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