Marcus Boerger schrieb:
Tuesday, July 15, 2008, 4:32:10 PM, you wrote:

Pierre Joye schrieb:
Drop the launchpad and use php's cvs. We have actually two development
branches (5.3 until the 24th and HEAD) and PECL. The latter let you
experiment as much as you wish.

Pierre, you are not in the position to tell us what repository we use for internal developments and experimental features.

Or should I start flaming againt the developing of a new PHP parser at svn:// . Looks like there are two classes of developers in your world. The bad and the good. The good can use their own repositories. The bad may not. And MySQL is bad.

You really proove here that a) our communication needs to get better and
that blogs don't help as they are ignored ffrom most developers. And b) we
reallt need to most to a better repository like SVN or HG.

Other than that, nobody tells you what you do or use. We just would like to
know. And in regards to re2c I can only repeat what Scott said. It was a
one time experiment that was announced on the list to be followed along and
comitted as a whole as soon as agreed on (not when finished to be precise).

You get me wrong.

I know very well that blogs and development lists do have different target audiences. And I know that PHP development and development discussions do not only take place on the mailing lists but also on open and closed IRC channels as well as during public and private meeeting. I tried to follow the circus several years in the past but I settled down as you know...

If I blog about PDO bugs and post bug summaries, its for the users and readers of the Planets. Being asked about the status, I would not hesitate to post a blog URL again over here.

I am not asking for improvements around CVS. I am not convinced that a system should be used which can link to other repositories. The re2c decision is perfectly valid. Such as its valid to keep local copies of the CVS and work on them - even if those local copies reside in yet another repository.

Marcus, we don't need to discuss the pros and cons of this in length. Your message has been clear in your first reply to the commit. Same goes for Jani (or a little later Lukas). Day-to-day mysqlnd changes shall go into the CVS as soon as possible. Andrey already explained that he applied hot fixes to the CVS (only) recently. Larger changes, new ideas might not go into HEAD in the first place but mature on the disk of the developer before they get published.

This is not about commercial vs. non-commercial. There are no plans for commerical features in mysqlnd which would require a secret repository. The code will always go public. A little sooner without an internal review or a little later after a mandatory internal review. To me this seems similar to two PHP fellows discussing a patch in private for some time.

I was recently asked about Unicode support in Postgres and MySQL. The question implied that Postgres is said to be ahead of MySQL. After all the years, I'm a bit tired of such questions. I replied with an enumeration of the advantages of the two systems. Hey, this reminds me a bit of this discussion.

To reply to your last point: I don't think the communication between us is not working. For example, Jani's short reminder on open ext/mysqli bugs (try the search again...) is almost sure to cause a re-allocation of Andrey for a few days. And believe me, even those few days hurt and cause discussions.


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