Ulf Wendel schrieb:
Ulf Wendel schrieb:
Pierre Joye schrieb:
On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 7:05 PM, Ulf Wendel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Pierre Joye schrieb:
On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 5:42 PM, Ulf Wendel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
What's your point, what requests are you talking about?
Please ask Johannes, I told them to him live last time we met. If
there is doubts, I will happily repeat them.
So, you have one question related to Windows builds - I did not know
According to Johannes you both have chatted on IRC about it after
you met.
The chat did not help to clearify the question. Can you rephrase the
question, what version of PHP are we talking about?
Can you reply to this?
Lukas, in his role as a PHP 5.3 series Release Manager, has suggested to
me that I take care of Windows to prevent release problems.
This has come to an happy end. Pierre has made a very clever suggestion
in an IRC chat with Johannes. The suggestoin is benefitial for both sides!
The Windows issue is about PHP 5.2. The mysql extensions make use of the
mysqlclient library (AKA libmysql). The windows build team had to update
the mysqlclient library from time to time in their build environments,
just like you need to update other libs. However, it takes time to
monitor and update all the libraries.
In addition to this hassle, Pierre is facing another challenge: compile
issues because he is upgrading the build system on Windows [1]. The
simple and clever solution suggested by Pierre: MySQL uploads a
mysqlclient library (AKA libmysql) build suitable for the upgraded
php.net Windows build system.
Advantage php.net/Pierre: no need to manually check for updates, no need
to do an extra download, hopefully less worries about compiler issues.
Advantage MySQL: uploading and upgrading can happen immediately whenever
a new mysqlclient library appears.
If mysqlnd turns out to be stable enough during the PHP 5.3 test phase,
PHP 5.3+ may use mysqlnd as a default. There is no need to download an
extra library when using 5.3.
Lukas, this is not affecting PHP 5.3 as long as mysqlnd is
stable/fast/... enough to be used as a default.
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