Hello Marcus;

Marcus Boerger wrote:
A cvs read-only mirror would be nice to allow the old way of checking out
stuff. But there I fail to see the reason to limit our selves to one
additional other tool, nor do I see a reason to complicate matters even
more by giving people other repositories that we somehow merge or not. SVN
works everywhere and other tools can be used on top of it where ppl see
that necessary but it is not the way PHP is being developed. Or do you want
to change the whole of PHP development at the same time?

I don't presume to speak for Lukas here, nor to believe we should standardize on one particular alternative VCS (be it a DVCS or not). I think we should definitely go the SVN route as the only official way to commit to PHP with possibly a read-only mirror on CVS that could be phased out at some point in the future.

That said, I think if someone is willing to step up to the plate and offer bootstrap repositories for another VCS and is willing to help support it for those who are interested in using it we would be remiss in turning them down as it's no small undertaking.

According to the wiki there are over 270k commits in php-src. Using Mono (90k - 100k commits) and my own experience with smaller repositories (500 - 30k) as a guide, this means that to clone the entire history of PHP via a `git svn clone` command would take nearly a week! Using a bootstrap that is updated nightly, or even weekly, we can cut that process down to < 15 minutes.

I've already volunteered on the svn-migrations list to work on an unofficial mirror as soon as the SVN import is completed. I would love to see it make its way onto a php.net server so others who are interested can benefit from the upfront work, but will be happy to host it on one of my servers like the current git clone is.


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