Hello Lukas,

Monday, August 4, 2008, 10:32:26 AM, you wrote:

> On 04.08.2008, at 10:28, Stefan Priebsch wrote:

>> Hannes Magnusson schrieb:
>>> I don't think anyone but him likes multiple namespaces per file. I do
>>> remember a PhD thesis sized mail from him explaining why multiple
>>> namespaces per file was needed though (can hardly believe anyone read
>>> the whole thing..).
>> In some deployment processes, multiple PHP files are merged together  
>> into one file. Symfony, for example, does this, at least optionally.

> Right, this is common practice to reduce disk I/O without having to  
> make development too hard. Also that way people can pick and choose  
> what they want to include (like not all drivers of a DBAL).

If an edgecase optimization is th eonly reason then I am against this
even more.

Best regards,

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