Hello Lukas,

Monday, August 4, 2008, 10:49:43 AM, you wrote:

> On 04.08.2008, at 10:41, Marcus Boerger wrote:

>> Hello Lukas,
>> Monday, August 4, 2008, 10:32:26 AM, you wrote:
>>> On 04.08.2008, at 10:28, Stefan Priebsch wrote:
>>>> Hannes Magnusson schrieb:
>>>>> I don't think anyone but him likes multiple namespaces per file.  
>>>>> I do
>>>>> remember a PhD thesis sized mail from him explaining why multiple
>>>>> namespaces per file was needed though (can hardly believe anyone  
>>>>> read
>>>>> the whole thing..).
>>>> In some deployment processes, multiple PHP files are merged together
>>>> into one file. Symfony, for example, does this, at least optionally.
>>> Right, this is common practice to reduce disk I/O without having to
>>> make development too hard. Also that way people can pick and choose
>>> what they want to include (like not all drivers of a DBAL).
>> If an edgecase optimization is th eonly reason then I am against this
>> even more.

> its not an edge optimization .. like i said its "common practice" in  
> many PHP frameworks. this way they can more easily develop the code,  
> while not having to suffer the drawbacks from a lot of disk I/O from  
> files that need to be loaded in every request anyways.

> and those frameworks are the main users of namespaces, because they  
> pull in libs from all sorts of libraries, add plugins etc.

In that case lets have curly braces at least to be consistent with the rest
of the language as every other grouping statement has curly braces.

Best regards,

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