On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 15:09, Sebastian Bergmann
> Lukas Kahwe Smith schrieb:
>> Now the people that were not able to attend this IRC meeting can
>> either accept that there was a sufficient number of people to make
>> a final decision on something that everybody (obviously also people
>> who did not attend the meeting) had plenty of time to make their
>> concerns heard or you can question this approach.
>  It eludes me how something can be discussed and be voted upon when the
>  only basis for discussion is the current implementation (that has no
>  specification).

What exactly are you expecting other then the various wiki entries and
README.namespaces in CVS?

Stop being such a dick.
It is great that some project only thinks about specifications, and
cool UML diagrams and use cases and all the stuff you learned taking
your master, but never implement a single piece of code - or are so
seriously over engineered that are impossible to use.. but PHP has
been working fine using the trigger happy coding approach for the last
several years.


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